Emergency Care
If you are a current client of Turtle Creek and you have an emergency, please call:
(903) 454-6222, and leave a voicemail. A member of our team will return your call as quickly as possible.
Please do not text this number. This device is not setup to notify of text messages in the event of an emergency, only voicemails.

In the event that our doctors are not available for emergency services, or if you have not received a call back within 20 minutes of leaving a voicemail, please contact the emergency care hospital of your choice. Here are a few that some of our clients use:
3084 N. Goliad St. Suite 104
Rockwall, TX 75087
McKinney Emergency Veterinary Clinic
9245 Virginia Parkway, Suite 400
McKinney, TX 75071
4651 N Belt Line Rd.
Mesquite, TX 75150